The dove advert.
I wanted to do a blog on this
If you haven’t watched it please do before reading
The reverse selfie.
Highlighting really young girls feeling the need to really digitally change and enhance pictures to feel acceptance.
I use my tanning page as a place for empowerment in no way do I promote spray tanning as a need to be beautiful or something you should have but more a confidence boost, a personal choice and through tanning I love to try and have a voice from hearing so many women talk to me about there body’s and how they feel perceived, judged and how social media effects this.
As a mother myself of a 6 year old girl it is super scary to see how things are changing so much to want to be ‘perfect’ or that you should change yourself in some way to be seen to be valued. You don’t need to enhance your photos with different eye colours, bigger bums, blurring the spots ect you are you and that is enough. 🙌🏻
Quote from on the new advert.
This is a representation of how far retouching apps can distort beauty. #NoDigitalDistortion is our movement to help build confidence and positive body image on social media
I really wanted to get involved by creating some awareness of this , I did a blog not long ago on filters
And asked on my page who prefers them the results where huge. Only 21% of people said no filter
This campaign from dove is aimed at young people in today’s society. no young person should be held back from reaching their full potential. However, low body confidence and anxieties over appearance keep young people from being their best selves, affecting their health, friendships, and even performance at school.
I think hats off to dove using their platform to get people talking to their young people and I wanted to share the toolkit they are providing for parents
I am guilty of posting filtered pictures but I do take lots especially with my children without any and they are my favourite photos I think it’s important to be showing the younger girls we are beautiful just as we are and I deffo feel more concious of it as my little girl grows too , I have taken the pledge, will you?
No chin removing, no rolls removing, no wrinkle hiding, changing brows, adding makeup, changing hair, eye colour. No digital distortion.
It doesn’t mean don’t wear makeup , don’t post a good photo it means don’t change you digitally or filters 🙌🏻 Time to show these young girls how beautiful real looks like 🧡👑