I’ve realised just how close we are to the end of the year. Where did that come from? How did that happen so fast? Christmas again, already?!
It’s that time of year again, the season of eating treats & attending family/social events for many.
This week me and my clients have joked about stuffing our faces since December began and how we have started on the ‘Christmas food’ -Baileys flowing, Hot chocs, Celebrations (except the bounty) , Pringles popping and plenty of cheese.
At new year we will resolve to get fit or for others gain weight, eat more healthy or just either way get it together.
With the pressure to "look your best" for Christmas party season staying body positive over the festive period can be a particular challenge.
Whether it’s a day trip out, Xmas markets, work nights out, family get togethers.. I just wanted to send a reminder to all my beautiful clients to:
Be a bit kinder to yourself
This is probably the hardest thing on the reminders to do, and, unfortunately, there’s no checklist you can easily follow.
However, when you have low moments over the festive season, make an effort to be kinder to yourself – chances are you’re being way more self-critical than you need to be.
Take a moment to appreciate your body, rather than judging it. Christmas is meant to be a happy time of year – it’s easier said than done, but try not to let anything get in the way of that.
Have a spray tan
Obviously I had to add this one in..
Not only does it set you off for an amazing healthy glow but it definitely is a confidence booster and helps you feel good in any outfit, even your pjs look a whole lot better.
You really can’t beat a Christmas glow.
Follow body positive accounts
Social media can have a massive impact on the way that we feel, so the people that you follow on social media is important.
If you feel like there are accounts that make you feel less than or make you question the way you feel, unfollow. Also remember not every picture you see is real!
Practice body positive affirmations
Here’s a few you could try.
Take 5 minutes to go through them daily in the mirror.
‘I am in charge of how I feel, I choose happiness’
‘I am loved & worthy’
‘My body is perfect for me’
‘My arms give good hugs’
‘I love and respect myself’
You can find more online.
Your worth isn’t defined by a size
The number on your clothes doesn’t define your self worth. Let go of clothes that do not fit, and remember that beautiful bodies come in all shapes and sizes.
You are beautiful exactly as you are, you do not need to limit yourself, enjoy the festivities. At the end of the day life is all about balance.
Ignore any negative people let it go over your head. NOT ONE PERSON is entitled to body shame or make you feel bad about yourself. It’s never ok.
Over the festive season, listen to yourself & say to yourself:
would you say this to a friend?
if you wouldn’t, why would you say it to yourself.
Merry Christmas love Lisa at Selfie Tanning x